Want to trade: .45acp for .357 magnum
I have a few hundred extra rounds of .45 acp factory ammo and would love to trade for some .357 factory if anyone has any.
Trade would be either round for round or based on even/fair trade current bulk prices. Like FMJ for FMJ or JHP for JHP will be even trades as far as amounts, if your ammo is different or worth more, trade value will be based on bulk rates, not store shelf or MSRP
What I have:
Full metal jacket, 230 grain, it’s all brass cased
-350 sellier and bellot
-50 blazer brass
-50-75 federal american
Jacketed hollow points:
-50 rounds Winchester Ranger T-Series 230 grain (these are the newer generation of the old black talons)
-50 rounds Federal HST 230 grain +P
I have more of all of it if the trade is right, but would prefer to stick with what’s listed here
What do you have? Text me. Located in Eagle